Tuesday, September 2, 2014

8/18 & 8/19

The first two days of school were get to know you days.  On the first day, students were given a syllabus and homework.  The homework was to fill out, have signed, and return the parent contact information sheet.

English II
Miss Pinker
Phone (863) 965-6200 Room 401
Class Blog Website:  http://pinkersenglish2blog.blogspot.com

Goals and Objectives: To become better readers, speakers, thinkers, writers, and prepare you for the new test. Your objective is to be successful! Please take note of this and check the classroom website for updates.  This syllabus may be subject to change.

Required Texts and Materials: (more books may be introduced) 
·         Black/blue pens
·         Pencils/eraser
·         College-Ruled  paper
·         1- 2-3” ringed binder with pockets
·         Highlighters
·         Jump-drive (possible: not until end of third quarter.  Instructors will let students know.)

Course Content: 
·         Lectures,/Discussions
·         Reading for a variety of purposes
·         Writing for a variety of purposes
·         Literary/Poetry Terms/Poetry analysis
·         PSAT preparation
·         Spelling/Vocabulary
·         Grammar
·         Research Skills/Research Paper
·         Required Major Reading Selections

Grading and Classroom Responsibilities: 
All school rules apply in the classroom.  Break these rules or any school policy and your parents and administration will be involved. 

§  Be cooperative and prepared
§  Ask to work on other classwork when English work is complete.
§  Get your make-up work from the make-up folder when you are absent.  It is your responsibility to get your work and excuse your absence.  If not, the missed work remains a zero.

§  Disrupt
§  Fight or argue with anyone
§  Be tardy
§  Excessive absences
§  Use profanity
§  Wear inappropriate dress attire

Americans with Disabilities Act: Notify me immediately if you require special testing or classroom modifications.  The bottom portion of this syllabus is your first assignment.  Return it immediately!

Pinker—English II Honors

Student Name:____________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone:____________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Name and Work Phone:_________________________________________________________

Parent Email:_____________________________________________________________________________

Student Email:____________________________________________________________________________

Are there any medical conditions we need to know about in case of an emergency? 


Are you involved with school activities or do you have any hobbies?


Parent Signature_____________________________________________________________________

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