Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9/30 Independent Clauses and Subordinate Clauses

Watch the video.

Then read the following pages from the Grammar book and complete exercise three on page 453.  

Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29 Verb Phrases, Appositive Phrases, and Prepositional Phrases

Today we continued on with sentences, and we talked about verbals (verb phrases), appositive phrases, and prepositional phrases.  These are the excerpts from the grammar book and the exercise that we did. 

 We completed exercise 2.  Just add words to each phrase to create a proper sentence. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

9/22-9/26 Fun, fun, fun

So, as you all know I was out again all week.  I am sick with the flu, and by looking at the attendance for this week, I am assuming lots of students are sick as well.   I should be back on Monday.

This week, students should have finished the diagnostic test and taken the new state writing test on the computer.  I am so sorry that I was not there to help you through it.  I am anxious to hear how it went.  I miss you all and will be glad to get out of the house and be back with you all next week.  Have a safe and wonderful weekend!!!!

And from now on....no one is allowed to breathe on me.  LOL.

Friday, September 19, 2014

9/19 Diagnostic Testing

Today students are completing the pre-test for this course.  We were unable to complete this at the beginning of the year because we did not have out textbooks yet and were unsure of our curriculum.  This does not count for a grade, but will show us how students have, and are, progressing throughout the school year.  Have a great weekend everyone!  See you on Tuesday!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

9/18 Senteces and Sentence Fragments

Today we talked about sentences and sentence fragments.  This was our activating strategy.

Lesson Essential Question

What are the essential components or parts of a sentence?

We then ready about them on pages 544 and 545 of the grammar book. 

All periods complete exercise #1 on page 545.  Periods 1-3 completed exercise #2 on page 546.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

8/29 Grammar Practice

Students should read about transitive and intransitive verbs and then complete the exercise.  Not all of my classes got to this exercise, so check Student Portal to see if this assignment is there.  

8/28 Your life in six words

This is an article from Oprah Magazine.  In it, the magazine asks readers to send in their own life summary in six words.  Please read and examine these wonderful examples.  Then, think about your own life, and try to sum it up in six meaningful words.  I told all of my students that I think my six words could change on a daily basis.  Some days it is "Sit down, be quiet, and work!" On other days it is "Teaching kids, loving life, forever grateful."  Students should be able to come up with at least three examples of their life in six words.  I would also like it if students would highlight, or just mark the six word summary that best represents their life.  

Monday, September 15, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sorry guys

So, this past week, you should have done a couple of FCAT reading practices, and a worksheet on compound sentences.  I know that I have been out, but I promise that I will be back on Monday.  I am OK, I just threw out my back and have been in quite a bit of pain.  It is finally feeling better.  I entered the grades that I had.  If you have questions or make-up work to give me, we can take care of it on Monday.  I miss you and will see you then!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

8/27 "Digging the Past" Close Reading

I was out today, and while I was gone, students were to complete a close reading of the article "Digging the Past" by Jenny Lawrence. 

Students were to label each paragraph (there are 9) then, for each paragraph they should write a sentence or two that states the main idea of the paragraph, on their paper that is labeled 1-9.  Students should then answer the questions on the final page, yes they have to answer the short answer question.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

8/26 Literary Devices

8/22 Grammar Review

Grammar Review by AmyPinker

8/21 5 Types of Nouns

5 Types of Nouns by AmyPinker

8/20 Miss Pinker's Introduction and Class Rules

Miss Pinker Intro and Class Memes by AmyPinker

8/18 & 8/19

The first two days of school were get to know you days.  On the first day, students were given a syllabus and homework.  The homework was to fill out, have signed, and return the parent contact information sheet.

English II
Miss Pinker
Phone (863) 965-6200 Room 401
Class Blog Website:  http://pinkersenglish2blog.blogspot.com

Goals and Objectives: To become better readers, speakers, thinkers, writers, and prepare you for the new test. Your objective is to be successful! Please take note of this and check the classroom website for updates.  This syllabus may be subject to change.

Required Texts and Materials: (more books may be introduced) 
·         Black/blue pens
·         Pencils/eraser
·         College-Ruled  paper
·         1- 2-3” ringed binder with pockets
·         Highlighters
·         Jump-drive (possible: not until end of third quarter.  Instructors will let students know.)

Course Content: 
·         Lectures,/Discussions
·         Reading for a variety of purposes
·         Writing for a variety of purposes
·         Literary/Poetry Terms/Poetry analysis
·         PSAT preparation
·         Spelling/Vocabulary
·         Grammar
·         Research Skills/Research Paper
·         Required Major Reading Selections

Grading and Classroom Responsibilities: 
All school rules apply in the classroom.  Break these rules or any school policy and your parents and administration will be involved. 

§  Be cooperative and prepared
§  Ask to work on other classwork when English work is complete.
§  Get your make-up work from the make-up folder when you are absent.  It is your responsibility to get your work and excuse your absence.  If not, the missed work remains a zero.

§  Disrupt
§  Fight or argue with anyone
§  Be tardy
§  Excessive absences
§  Use profanity
§  Wear inappropriate dress attire

Americans with Disabilities Act: Notify me immediately if you require special testing or classroom modifications.  The bottom portion of this syllabus is your first assignment.  Return it immediately!

Pinker—English II Honors

Student Name:____________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone:____________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Name and Work Phone:_________________________________________________________

Parent Email:_____________________________________________________________________________

Student Email:____________________________________________________________________________

Are there any medical conditions we need to know about in case of an emergency? 


Are you involved with school activities or do you have any hobbies?


Parent Signature_____________________________________________________________________


Welcome to Miss Pinker's English II Class Blog

Here you can chat with me, or other students.  You can ask me questions and I will answer, usually within 24 hours on a weekday, 48 hours on a weekend.  This is where you will look if you are absent from school for a day or several days.  Please do not come up to me and ask me what you missed, but check here first.  If it is unclear what was done in class, then please ask me.  

I will be uploading powerpoint presentations and things that we did in class.  I will try to scan some of the exercises from the grammar book as well, so you don't have to lug it all the way home.  You can print it from here.  

Please look for the dates...I will put one in each title.  

If you have questions or comments, please write them here or email me at amy.pinker@polk-fl.net

Thanks and I look forward to a fabulous year!