Monday, November 17, 2014

11/17-11/21 Antigone Plot Outline Worksheets

Today students were given Antigone Plot Outline Worksheets.  They will answer the questions up to where they have read.  I am giving them approximately 15 minutes of class time to work on these and then we will continue to read.  They should finish completing these worksheets at home.

You will find the worksheet below:

Name: _________________________

Antigone Worksheets

  1. What information does Antigone give to Ismene at the beginning of this scene?

  1. What has just happened in the sisters’ family?

  1. What does Antigone plan to do?  Why?

  1. Does Ismene plan to join her?  Why or why not?

  1. What story does the chorus tell in the Parodos?

Scene 1
  1. Who has Creon assembled at the beginning of the scene?  Why does he say he has passed the new law?

  1. How does the sentry act when he comes before Creon?  What does this suggest about Creon’s personality or reputation?

  1. What news does the sentry bring? Who does Creon think is responsible?

  1. What is the dramatic irony in this scene?

Scene 2
  1. Who does the sentry bring before Creon?  How has the culprit been caught?

  1. What is Antigone’s attitude toward death?

  1. Whom else does Creon want to question?

  1. What has he decided to do with the sisters?

Scene 3
  1. Who has come to speak with Creon?

  1. What does Creon say is the greatest evil that society faces?  (hint: lines 33-44)

  1. What does Haemon ask Creon to do?

  1. What is Creon’s response?

  1. Haemon says in line 119: “Then she must die.  But her death will cause another.”  What does Haemon mean?  What does Creon think he means?

  1. How has Haemon’s tone/attitude toward Creon changed from the beginning to end of scene 3?

  1. How will Antigone be killed?

Scene 4
  1. What is the chorus’s attitude toward Antigone?  How is this different from earlier in the play?

  1. In lines 37-44, what feelings does Antigone express about her father?

  1. What is happening at the end of scene 4?

Scene 5
  1. According to Teiresias, what is the “new calamity” that Creon has brought to Thebes? (lines 25-31)

  1. In lines 48 to 61, what does Creon accuse Teiresias of wanting from him?

  1. What does Teiresias predict for Creon in lines 70-87?  What crime has Creon committed to deserve this?

  1. What does the Choragus tell Creon that he must do to prevent this?
  2. What is a Paean?

  1. What two people does the messenger say have died?  How have they died?

  1. By the time Creon returns, who else has died?

  1. What is Creon’s attitude at the end of the play?

  1. Judging by the final speeches of the play, what do you think is Creon’s fatal flaw?  

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