Thursday, January 22, 2015

1/22 and 1/23 Final round of FAIR Testing YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

On these days we will be finishing up the final round of FAIR testing.  Whew!! Glad that is over!!

1/19 and 1/20 Welcome to the Wonderful World of Poetry

Hello everyone and welcome to second semester.  We will begin with a unit on Poetry.  We will start with some vocabulary.

On a piece of paper, you need to write the definitions, parts of speech (verb, noun, adj. etc), you need to write an original sentence that uses the word correctly, and finally you need to draw some kind of small picture (even use a word) that helps to remind YOU of the vocabulary word.  

These are the words you need to look up:


You need to turn this in for a grade.  

We then read the poem "Making a Fist" by Naomi Shihab Nye, which can be found on page 57 of the purple Close Reading Workbooks that I gave you earlier this semester.  The poem can also be found on page 363 of the new Pearson textbooks in my classroom.  We discussed the poem in class.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Mid Term Study Guide

Pinker  Mid-Term Study Guide

Directions: Label the underlined words according to their part of speech.
NOUN:  names a person (boy, Mr. Adams), place (Miami, city), thing (pencil, Ford), idea (love, hate)
PRONOUN:  takes the place of a noun (he, she them, him, someone, anything)
VERB:  tells either the action of the subject (Kim walked) or the being of the subject (Jose is angry.).
ADJECTIVE:  modifies a noun or pronoun (red car, soft kitten, hard candy, the test, a vacation)
ADVERB: modifies a verb (walk quietly), adjective (quite tall), or other adverb (walk very quietly)
CONJUNCTION:  joins together two or more words, phrases, or clauses (and, but, or, because, since)
PREPOSITION:  word relating a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence (man on the stage)
INTERJECTION:  exclamation that is not grammatically party of the sentence (No!, Ouch!)
11.Dr. Alexander discovered a cure for anemia. ______________________________________________
22. He was a great man. _________________________________________________________________
33.The boys played happily in the snow.___________________________________________________
44. The dangerous river flowed rapidly._____________________________________________________
55. The Tigers were never an exciting group of ballplayers._____________________________________
66. Someone brought delicious apples and savory pears for the salad._____________________________
77. During the storm the other day, several windows cracked.___________________________________
88. The Garcias stored canned goods under the parch of their house.______________________________
99.That man seems consumed by anger or sadness.___________________________________________
110.  On my desk was a long yellow pencil.__________________________________________________
111.  Close the door very quietly.__________________________________________________________
112.  You can never succeed by dishonest methods.___________________________________________
113.  The crowd shouted its approval of his speech.___________________________________________
114.  Hurrah!” shouted the boys. “We won!”________________________________________________
115.  The hammer and saw belonged to the carpenter.__________________________________________
116.  Nonsense! It is not impossible to do that._______________________________________________
117.  Henry and his brother won the contest._________________________________________________
Directions: Label each word group as one of the following: Fragment (F), Run-On (R), or Correct (C).
118.  ______Although Mary has been my best friend.
119.  ______No one I know watches that television show, I can't believe it.
220.  ______Her husband loves to cook, however, he does not like to clean the kitchen afterwards.
221.  ______Tim started his new job last Wednesday, and he really likes the boss.
222.  ______I have a hard time understanding her lectures, when I talk to her one-on-one, I understand her fine.
223.  ______Mary signed up because she thought the training would be interesting and help her on the job.
224.  ______Meet me after class, I want to talk with you about the upcoming test.
225.  ______The one who looks like a military officer but acts like a spoiled brat.
226.  ______Although she has studied very hard, she is still worried about the midterm exam.
227.  ______One of the best ways to improve your writing. Is to read and analyze what you read.
228.  ______It has been a long time since I have been to the beach, I am looking forward to the trip.
229.  ______When you have finished your homework and are ready to take a break.
Literary Devices 
330. Alliteration_______________________________________________________________________
331. Allusion_________________________________________________________________________
332. Protagonist______________________________________________________________________
333. Antagonist_______________________________________________________________________
334. Apostrophe_______________________________________________________________________
335. Assonance_______________________________________________________________________
336. Denotation_______________________________________________________________________
440.Poetic Justice_____________________________________________________________________
441.Tragic Hero______________________________________________________________________
444.Dramatic Irony____________________________________________________________________

Parallel Structure

Directions: Determine whether the sentences below contain errors in parallel structure. Fix any
problems that you find.

47. Monica brewed espresso, steamed milk, and told jokes as she prepared Mike’s latte.

48. Natasha tried holding her breath, chewing a piece of gum, and poking her belly, but she could not quiet her empty stomach, which rumbled during the chemistry exam.

49. In the restroom, Tishena was brushing her hair, freshened her lip-gloss, and took deep breaths, trying to work up the courage to walk to her first speech class.

50. Celine looked behind the toilet, in the laundry basket, and checked under the bed, but she could not find Squeeze, her nine-foot albino python.

51. Not only did Dennis apply an extra layer of deodorant to his armpits, but he also polished each tooth with special care. He did not want to offend Malinda with any unpleasant odors.

52. For his first date with Malinda, Dennis bought not only a dozen roses but he also purchased a box of chocolates.

53. Not only did Malinda squeal at the sight of the beautiful bouquet, but she also was tearing open the box and eating chocolates all the way to the restaurant.

55. Dennis tried to be thoughtful and generous, yet Malinda refused to give him not only a kiss good night but also a single chocolate from the nut and caramel sampler.

54. Chelsea had to paddle past a school of jellyfish, kick a small sand shark in the nose, and untangle seaweed from her surfboard before she reached her favorite point break.

55. Spiders that bite, hissing snakes, and squealing rodents fill the aquariums in Desmond’s basement.


56. Why is Antigone determined to bury Polynieces? What are her arguments?

57.  What is Creon’s policy and political views? 

58.  How well does the Sentry stand up against Creon?

59.  What are Creon’s values?  What does he think Antigone is guilty of?

60.  How do you explain Ismene’s change of mind? Does she share Antigone’s view of protest and death?

61.  Why were Haemon and Creon arguing?

62.  How sympathetic is Haemon? What are his feelings for Antigone? How does he change in the course of the scene?

63.  What does Creon intend to do with the two women? Why?

64.  What is the attitude of the chorus to Antigone’s predicament? How do they explain her motives?

65.  Does Antigone’s journey proceed from heroic defiance to isolation and self-pity?

66.  Who is Teiresias and why does he say to Creon?

67.  Why does Creon yield and change his course of action? Has the focus shifted to Creon and do we see a development in his character in this scene?

68.  What did Eurydice do when she found out about Haemon? 

69.  What are the causes of Creon’s tragedy and fall?

In the blank space, insert the gerund or the infinitive form of the verb in parentheses.

770.   I don't fancy ____________________ (go) out tonight.

771.   She avoided ____________________ (tell) him about her plans.

772.   I would like _____________________ (come) to the party with you.

773.   He enjoys ______________________ (have) a bath in the evening.

774.   She kept ____________________ (talk) during the film.

675.  I am learning ___________________ (speak) English.